We have found this pet’s record

We found a pet record for this tag. Below is all of the information that the Pet Owner has currently made available online to those who look up the Tag ID. If you have spotted this pet or currently have this pet in your possession, please do one of the following:

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Good news! Anonymous Pet has been found!

Lost Date September 23rd, 8:00pm
Wearing collar? Yes
Wearing DocuPet tag? No
Last seen at Battery Park, Waterfront Pathway, Kingston, ON, Canada
Found Date September 30th, 12:00am
On Monday Liger lost his regular collar, which had multiple tags (including his docupet tag), and I put on a temporary collar on that had no tags. He went out but didn't come home, which is VERY out of character. He typically comes in and out of the house through the day, and is always home at night to sleep with us. He is micro-chipped and very loved. Please return him if you have him!


pet found at marker location on map

Anonymous Pet

This pet's privacy settings have been configured not to display information on their public profile.
Breed Tabby
Species Cat

Basic Information

Colour brown, black
Gender Male
Spayed/Neutered Yes
Microchip Number 956000009443295
Pet Date of Birth 06/01/2017
Coat short haired, brown and black stripy
Pet Biography A barn cat born at a farm on Bob's Lake, north of Westport.

Owner Information