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Good news! Anonymous Pet has been found!

Lost Date August 14th, 10:52am
Wearing collar? Yes
Wearing DocuPet tag? Yes
Last seen at 184 Ordnance Street, Kingston, ON, Canada
Found Date September 24th, 7:20pm
Our 14 year old cat Finif is an avid outdoor cat - particularly in the summer. He wanders the neighbourhood (Skeleton Park area) and is frequently on adventures for days. It is not uncommon for him to disappear for 1 to 2 weeks. Though he always seems to remain in the neighbourhood. Sometimes taken in by well-meaning neighbours who think he is lost. Though he is getting on in years, he does know where he lives and can find his way home. We have not seen him for over 3 weeks. In March, we adopted a new kitten from the Humane Society. Since then, Finif has been quite irritated with us and has had a summer of frequent sojourns out - but we usually see him every few days. He visits, eats, yells at us, spends the night and then goes off again the next day. We are now growing increasing concerned for him and miss him terribly. He is our daughter's cat - a gift for her 5th birthday - that she has loved and doted on for 14 years. Two weeks ago she had to go off to University far away without being able to say goodbye to her beloved pet. We are still hopeful we can give her the good news that he has come back to us. Finif wears a brown leather collar with spikes. Please call this cell number if you see / find him. 613-539-1343


pet found at marker location on map

Anonymous Pet

This pet's privacy settings have been configured not to display information on their public profile.
Tag Code K7LVLZU, 2292U, C05Q8HKM, C05Q8HKM, C05Q8HKM (Expired)
Breed Dmh
Species Cat

Basic Information

Colour Br/ru
Gender Male
Spayed/Neutered Yes
Pet Date of Birth 11/28/2005

Owner Information