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Bean is lost!

Lost Date July 6th, 11:00pm
Wearing collar? No
Last seen at 994 Uxbridge Crescent, Kingston, ON K7M 8K7, Canada
He escaped without his collar, he usually comes home the next morning but he may have adventured too far or been scared by fireworks.


pet found at marker location on map


Bean, a Brown Domestic Shorthair Cat
Tag Code NHKFY, HY2MA (Expired)
Breed Domestic Shorthair
Species Cat

Basic Information

Colour Brown
Gender Male
Spayed/Neutered Yes
Microchip Number 982000411281828
Approximate Age 10 years old
Identifying Markings Bengal spots on back legs and black and white striped tail.
Coat Short to medium hair
Pet Biography Bean likes to adventure and has been lost a couple of times but he’s resilient and always finds his way home. He does not play well with others if he doesn’t know them but all it takes is a short meeting for him to become a cuddle monster - just don’t ever touch his belly. He’s declawed but he’s strong and plays rough.

Owner Information

Owner Name Bethany Telford
Phone Number (705) 868-6140
Work Phone Number (705) 978-2092
Home Address 300 Regent St # 406
Kingston ON K7L 4K6

Pet Care Information

Pet Temperaments Does not like his stomach touched. He is friendly but moody and can turn aggressive quickly, but he gives you the regular warning signs (ie. dilated pupils, ticked off meow, posture shift, tail flick)
Friendly with People Yes
Friendly with Dogs Yes
Primarily Outdoors Yes
Type of Food Kibble, prefers chicken any brand. Hates duck
Feeding Schedule and Amount 1/2 cup morning and night - around 7am and 7pm. He grazes during the day however.
Permissible Foods He can eat everything - doesn’t like duck
Exercise Requirements Likes to be outside, requires a lot of play/exercise/stimulation or he will get aggressive and chatty. He is relentless and will meow your ear off if he doesn’t get his way about going outside or playing.
Other Care Instructions for my Pet Don’t touch his tummy unless you wanna pissed off bean. He’s talkative, and he loves to be petted in the top of his head. His sweet spot/suuuuper sensitive spot is on his back, right where his tail meets his butt. He’s basically a talkative lil tiger And he plays like one:aggressive and lightning fast.

Medical Information

Vaccines Vaccinated
Medications None
Allergies None
Conditions None
Veterinarian Collins Bay Animal Hospital

(613) 384-1010