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Good news! Anonymous Pet has been found!

Lost Date August 28th, 9:03am
Wearing collar? Yes
Wearing DocuPet tag? Yes
Last seen at 4 Copperfield Drive, Kingston, ON, Canada
Found Date August 28th, 2:14pm
running in the woods or nearby at the end of Copperfield Drive she will not come to her owner but will come to strangers


pet found at marker location on map

Anonymous Pet

This pet's privacy settings have been configured not to display information on their public profile.
Tag Code K7L4AXP, XD3GK, C05MD1CN, C05MD1CN (Expired)
Breed dachshund/beagle mix
Species Dog

Basic Information

Colour brown black and white
Gender Female
Spayed/Neutered Yes
Microchip Number 982000167792563
Approximate Age 12 years old
Coat black, brown and white
Pet Biography Molly is a rescue dog, half beagle and dachshund. She likes to roam and was found in a rural area trotting along a road. She cannot be let off a leash except in a closed in dog park because she loves to escape and run around barking at squirrels. She generally runs up to strangers if she gets off the leash, or scratches at someone's door!

Owner Information